Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why a garden?

Have you ever wondered why God chose a garden to place man in? (see Genesis 2:8 "And the Lord planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man he had formed.") The biblical answer is that the garden is a place of beauty, where man could wonder at Gods creation, a place where man would find food for his body, but have you ever pondered why, God placed the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil in the "midst of it?" Interesting thought isn't it? We have a wonderful opportunity to be Gods Hands and Feet by tending our garden and keeping it."And the Lord God took the man, and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it" (Gen 2:15)
I have always been fascinated by the fact that one little seed, grows a plant, and that plant grows many seeds, and each one grows another plant, and so on, and so on... Our garden can be that seed for His community we serve, giving a beautiful,fresh zucchini to a neighbor or a stranger, can give you the opportunity to share the Gospel.... what better seed would there be to sow? I love harvest time, it is a time when I get to share the abundance from the garden, and allows me to get past my fear and approach perfect strangers to give them what God has so freely given to me, even if it is a zucchini! Take time to talk to friends, strangers or neighbors about our Great God when you give them rewards of your toil, it makes every hot and dusty garden session well worth the effort!
keep growing!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer Garden and Zukes!

Out in the garden today, wow, what a beautiful day, warm and sunny! Checking out the plants, I discovered some real big zucchini and looks like a lot of tomato's are growing. As I was filming "clink's corner" I observed many types of "pollinators" in and out of the blossoms, which is perfect for making sure we have a rich crop this summer. Were in that season with the zukes (zucchini) where you really have to watch them, as one day they may be 2 inches long, and in a couple of days there a foot long and tough! As the season grows...pun intended, I like to let the "older" zukes get a little bigger 8-10 inches and stuff them! Yumbo! I had a real blessing today;
I was gardening and "puttering" around, when I heard the distinctive sound of crows cawing, as I looked up in the sky, I saw two crows "dive bombing" a rather large Red tailed hawk. I'm a real fan of birds of prey, and hawks are my favorite, so I was a little angry at those pesky crows, and cried out "God, where's the justice in that?" referring to the constant agitation of the crows to a slowly circling red tail. I felt in my spirit the Lord prompting me "Just Watch" and as I watched the hawk circled higher and higher, still being accosted by the crows, higher, soaring on the thermals, up up up until I could barely seem them, and as I was watching, the crows peeled off, it was then I realized what was being revealed to me. when, in our Christian walk, we are constantly being "bombarded" by the "crows" of life, we continue to soar higher and higher in Him, eventually those pesky "birds" will no longer be able to keep up and we will be free! Give our Great God praise today, as is written in the book of Isaiah:
"but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:30-31
Keep up the good work!
Pray,plant grow give...share!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Garden Blog

Greetings Garden enthusiast's

Welcome to the new NBC Garden blog! This is our first installment of the garden blog, as it will be known from this point on. Today, spent some great time this morning, in prayer and as I was weeding, I couldn't help but thinking what a great ministry we have in our Garden! That being said, I couldn't help but feel we are in a season of waiting.. Waiting for our veggies to grow, waiting for the Lord to guide us to the next phase, but waiting in a beautiful way. I was greeted by little red spotted ladybugs in the flowering cilantro, and the ever present, but affable yellow jackets buzzing around. The plants are doing well, I picked a few zucchini's and some mint (thanks Carlsens!) and some cilantro today. The blossoms are full on the zucc's, and the little pollinators LOVE the flowering cilantro! I am surprised the peppers are a little stunted, and I will consult my Garden experts about that. It could be a PH (acid-base) issue not sure, as my home garden has stunted bell peppers as well...Hmmmm?
Here's some important info:

* We need to keep up on the weeding in and outside the boxes, as we will end up with too many weeds in our boxes over time. Please don't put stickers (goat heads,cockle burrs etc.. in compost) You can put soft weeds like the flowering ground vines, and dandelions in the compost but put them on the "BIG" pile far right.
* This Saturday is a composting workshop in Sunnyvale (given monthly) for info
contact me at clink@nbcsj.org It's free, last about two hours and is a great way to get introduced to composting and vermicomposting (worms)
Looking forward to sharing thoughts and important info with you on this blog!
